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Levels Obedience

Upcoming Classes

Where current science meets the art of training your dog.

We do not hold classes on long weekends. Courses affected by stats will be extended to compensate.


This course is six weeks for the pre-teens and young teenagers. Puppies are 12 - 24 weeks old in these classes when they begin. They should have two sets of vaccinations.

These youngsters are as cute as buttons but they're learning a lot more independence. This is where your relationship with your dog shines through as we begin to work on some of the harder concepts for the youngsters like self control and focus, relationship, and basic obedience. We add in stay and some easy recall games. We learn more about their health and we put more emphasis on leash skills. We let the puppies have play time only as long as there is a suitable playmate in class while re-focusing them on you rather than every dog and person you come across.


Sunday September 22, 9:00 am

Tuesday October 8m 6:30 pm


Find Your Class Description

Levels works in a series of 6 week courses. Each level builds on the last. You stay as long as you need to in a Level and move up when you're ready. 6 weeks at a level will work for most dog/human teams.


Level 1

is for the older adolescents, new to you dogs, and dogs that need a refresher. These dogs are 6 months or older and this is where the concept of the pet dog shines. We work on obedience and focus. We go through the basic obedience cues (plus some). There are lots of games to build that important relationship with your family member. We introduce recall games, loose leash walking, and ongoing handling with your dog. Then there's body language, self control, avoiding common dog issues and more. Become the best partner you can for your dog.


Tuesday September 17, 7:30 pm


Level 2


For the dogs that are intermediate. They know most of their basic cues (sit, down, stand, stay, come, place) and can do them most places. They understand a stay for distance and for duration and will recall fairly well over short distances. In this level we ask them to stretch a little further, stay a little longer, be a little faster, work on leash (and sometimes off) reliably in the face of distractions. We work on heeling and we do some fun things to keep everyone motivated. This course is suitable for dogs that have completed puppy power or Level 1 or equivalent. Onward and upward.




On the Go


This course is great for solidifying a number of  basic skills, not all of which you get through normal obedience classes. It's perfect for the aspiring sport teams and also the people on the move with their dogs. These are your lifeskills for the dog on the go.


We work on honing  the major obedience cues, especially stay, focus, and recall. These skills can be lifesaving for your dog.

Walking into new environments to have your dog wait comfortably (crated or not) for their turn to shine.  Calmness and confidence are the bedrock for all of these skills.

Are your dogs OK with someone else on the other end of the lead or actually handling your dog? This  is also extremely helpful and not just for sports! Your vet, dog walker, and best friend will love you...

Learn how to stretch and warm up your dog to prevent injuries as you head off on your adventures or into the sport ring. And don't forget yourself! This can be a lot of fun and lead to a journey of its own (tricks anyone?). Learn to reward your dog multiple ways but especially by playing with you!

Having this type of basic knowledge makes your dog journey so much easier for both you and your instructors (I asked!). And it's all about fun!




On the Go
Agility Foundatins

Fun and Games

CARO Rally (Novice/Advanced)


CARO stands for the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience.


This is a dog sport where teamwork rules supreme! You and your dog work together to conquer a course full of obedience challenges. It's fun for all dogs and their people and it sharpens your obedience work AND your relationship. This course is taught in 6 week segments and CARO Rally has multiple levels and lots of room for growth. For those of you that want to trial, CARO has regular fun matches and there are also local and virtual trials where you can earn titles for your dog. Or just come out and play!


Sunday September 29, 10:00 am


Agility Foundations


Agility is a fast paced dog sport that requires dog and handler to be in tune with each other, and for both team members have a solid grasp of the skills needed to leverage that fast pace without fear or injury. Foundations teaches each dog/human team the basic skills and how to handle basic obstacles  so they can move on to the really sexy stuff confidently and safely. Foundations are also vital for experienced teams to brush up on and maintain. Walk before you fly and have fun while you're at it!   




Scentwork for fun


 Scentwork is a fun class designed to work your dog's nose and brain! In this class your dog is always right and you get to come along for the ride as they show you their brilliance and we teach them to solve scent puzzles and build drive. The course is 6 weeks and each week we work in different ways with different types of scent puzzles to challenge you as a team.

The class incorporates the complete beginner and those starting to use scent (essential oil mix) in their search adventures

Check back soon.




Canine Hoopers


Hoopers is an inclusive dog sport that is similar to agility in many ways but because of the flowing courses and the emphasis on distance handling it's super for building confidence and is safe for puppies, older dogs, and dogs that just aren't built for agility. It doesn't leave the agility dogs out either. This course is awesome for revisiting basics! Come play in the hoops!


When you begin we acclimates the students/dogs

to the equipment, help the student begin

distance work, introduce directionals (right, left),

and start the student on running short courses. 


As you move up​ we encourage the dogs to work 

farther away from us and with more confidence on longer courses.

Fun to be had by all!


Canine Hoopers

Out and About


 This is your leash walking class! We walk as a group in four different environments to learn about our dogs' environmental triggers (squirrel!!), and how to handle them, as well as how to work with our dogs on leash in the company of other dogs and people. It's a socialization exercise and a skills tune up. Even better we get in an hour of walking and working with our best friend! Four weeks, each week is in a different location. Dogs must be at least 16 weeks of age and able to work with other dogs and people nearby. Dogs must also be physically comfortable walking for about an hour. Reactive dogs we can work with. Aggressive dogs require a different approach. Contact us if you're not sure of the difference


See you in the spring

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