Cancellation Policy
Booking and cancelling classes or other services takes time and effort for me to manage. Where credit cards are involved the processing companies no longer refund their fees and we also use the admin fee to cover those.
Every cancellation will have a $10.00 admin fee associated with it and cancellations that leave me without time to fill the space in class are billed accordingly.
Private Lessons and packages:
Individuals who purchase a package of private lessons or a bundle of services, but choose to withdraw from lessons will be issued a refund on any remaining in person lessons on a prorated basis. A $10.00 administration fee applies to all refunds. Online courses and equipment included in the package will still be billed.
Group Classes:
Individuals who purchase a group class, or single private lessons and choose to withdraw from the class/lesson will be issued partial refunds, under the following conditions:
More than 2 weeks prior to the start of class:
Full refund, minus a $10 administration fee.
1 - 2 weeks prior to start of class:
75% refund, minus a $10 administration fee.
Less than a week prior to start of class:
50% refund, minus a $10 administration fee.
Withdrawal the day of or after the first class:
No refund.
Workshops, Fun Matches, Trials:
Individuals who purchase a spot in an event will be provided a refund based on how far in advance the cancellation occurs. A $10.00 administration fee applies to all refunds.
4+ weeks notice
100% refund, minus a $10.00 administration fee.
2 - 4 weeks notice
75% refund, minus a $10.00 administration fee.
1-2 weeks notice
50% refund, minus a $10.00 administration fee.
Less than 1 weeks notice: No Refund