CARO Rally Sunday April 21, 10:15 am Novice/Advanced
CARO Rally (Canadian Association of Rally Obedience) is an obedience sport in which you and your dog work closely as a team to work through a course of obedience cues. This class is fun and helps build your obedience skills, but also helps to build your relationship with your dog. This is a great way to sharpen your skills, and a fun dog sport with many levels to it. Bring your thinking cap and get ready to START HERE.
Where and When
Classes will be held weekly at 248 County road 44, Kemptville. Note that classes will be cancelled on statory holiday weekends and may be cancelled due to scheduled events at the facility. In these cases the course will either be extended or make up classes will be scheduled.
Thanksgiving Sunday, October 8
Scheduled event Sunday, October 29